Saturday, November 14, 2009

Twitter Marketing - How Social Networking Can Help You?

Being involved in any type of business online means that you will be building relationships with people to some degree. You will be forging these relationships with your clients who purchase from you, readers who read your content as well as peers who help and support your business efforts.

In order to form these relationships, you need to put yourself in the path of those you are seeking. You will need to attract potential clients, promote your content for readers to find you and network to find colleagues who can help and who you can help in return.

One simple way to do all of this in one easy shot is by using social networking as it was truly meant to be used. How do you do this you ask? By networking of course, that’s it. All you have to do is to use social networking services exactly as they were meant to be used, honestly, and your targeted network will begin to grow.

Many online business people tend to sell or pre-sell to those in their online networking circles instead of building true relationships with their prospects first. A great example to use to see this in action is In fact, Twitter is a very popular site where you can see what to do in social networking as well as what not to do. They’re doing it all over there and more often than not many are getting no return on their investment.

The proper way to use social networking to help you and your business, especially with twitter, being as it is extremely popular right now, is to be true to the spirit of social networking.

What does this mean?

Well, put simply, it means to get involved with the community. Don’t just post messages but read them as well. This also means that you should add helpful information that attempts to solve a persons issues and only give this information to those who are actively searching for it.

A lot of twitter users are guilty of twitter spamming. I’ve been guilty of it, how about you? If you have, start changing your self from a spammer to a giver today and you will see better results in your networking activities.

A good example of twitter spamming would be a tweeter who posts a helpful but promotional message to all of his or her followers. This hypothetical person would probably do this in order to use what is called a shotgun effect to possibly make a sale or build a list.

The shotgun effect is akin to casting a net wide and grabbing fish as well as garbage in the proverbial net. A better method would be the casting of the net into the center of a school of fish to catch only fish, leaving the refuse behind.

So how do you go about correctly posting a tweet in such an environment?

The correct procedure would be to read the posts of as many followers or groups of followers and even those you follow to discern exactly who needs what you can offer and who can truly benefit from your promotion. After making your determinations simply send your promotion only to those people by direct message.

I know, it sounds like a lot of work but having targeted followers, and clients will actually boost your online business whereas using the shotgun method described above will clutter your business with tire kickers and make you a contact list that is mostly non responsive.


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